This post is going to be about my pregnancy. I found out I was pregnant in the bathroom at work, I was working at a beauty suply store called Trade Secret. I was not feeling good that day and had made many trips to the restroom to dispose of my lunch... if you know what I mean. A friend of mine said "do you think your pregnant" my first response was "hahahaha" (look who's laughing now) and I said "no, i'm not pregnant" so my other friend said "well, you should just call (i'll leave the name blank, haha) and have her bring you a pregnancy test, just in case, after all... It would explain why you have been so grumpy lately" on that note, I picked up my phone and called (blank name again) and said "hey could you pick me up a pregnancy test, i'm not pregnant but ya know, just for fun, maybe one from the dollar store" blank name said (this is why i left her name blank, lol!) "Oh I have one in my purse!!" haha that made us laugh. So she get's to work hands me the stick and I go do my thing... Well I leave the stick on the garbage can on a paper towel in the bathroom and totally forgot about it for about 15 min. Blank name goes to the restroom and remembers oh yeah... the pregnancy test! so while in the restroom she looks down at the test... stared at it.. looked closer... and then peeked her head out the door and said "um whit, I think you need to come here for a min" I went in... looked at the test... looked at the box (to confirm what 2 lines meant) and passed out into her arms! seriously! well being 15 min. we thought maybe it was wrong and changed... obviously we are not pregnancy test pro's. We then went to Target and bought two more.. they were both positive. At this point I called Zach and had him pick me up from work... I was crying so hard and couldn't talk so this is how I told him I was prego... I handed him the stick with my pee on!!! oh goodness! Anyways I was very sick my whole pregnancy, I had a fetal Hemoriage and it was just not fun. However, oddly enough... I now miss being pregnant.
My FAV thing to do when I was pregnant was eat junk food. like most pregnant woman I suposse... now... I am not a junk food person but I just craved Sweets, can't believe i'm going to post this pic but I was prego so I can not be judged... here is proof that I really loved to eat....
This was some kind of strawberry trifle thing my Dad made for the 4th of July. I am nearly 6 months pregnant here. I loved this trifle... And I ate like 4 plates of it then said, screw it, i'm eating it out of the dish! so... I did! there ya go, take that story as you will, you may judge me now but just wait until you are 6 months pregnant! haha
I love my sisters, above. They threw me a great baby shower. It was so much fun, notice the stain on my shirt... When you are pregnant, and eat as much as I ate, your tummy catches it all!!! And plus... i'm just a clutz! I run into things, I trip, I spill food. I say stupid things... I really don't have it all together.
Also I mentioned earlier we bought a house right before having Zoee and in one of the rooms we had a scooby doo painted on the wall... they must have been insane, i dont know!! Here is a photo of me and my sisters cleaning the walls 8 months pregnant... (scooby is now gone, i have painted over him)
Thank you to my sisters for all the help they gave us with cleaning up this trashy house when we moved in. They were the best ! my nephew cole was also great help!!!
And my final moment of being prego below... My fav. photo! 3 hrs. before my water broke... trick or treating....
This was so great! Halloween night, or I guess, the night before, when everyone was actually celebrating, Zach decided to paint our kitchen. Being nearly 9 months pregnant I decided to leave the house while he did it to stay away from the fumes and such. So I decided to go trick or treating with my sisters and there children. It was so much fun! I felt great! Carried my niece around even and she is 2 yrs. old! It was a blast!! after trick or treating was over we went back to my brother in laws house and I packed up some baby stuff that they had for there kids that I was borrowing, like the basinet, and some clothes, toys, etc. And then headed home. on my way home I stoped at Mcdonalds for a redbox and a mcflury! Went home and Zach and I laid in bed and watched the movie, it was a terible zombie movie, I dont remember it much seeing as I watched the WHOLE movie in labor, but Zach said it was terrible! haha So we start the movie, not 5 min. later I have my first contraction... Zach watched the movie as I held onto his arm, squeezing it, and trying to breath through the pain... 50 seconds goes by... pain is gone... good! just a false alarm!!! 6 minutes passes... and it happens again... little longer contraction this time, and they started getting closer together. By the end of the movie They were a minute and a half long and about 3 min. apart from beginning to beginning of contractions. OUCH! I watched the entire movie like this... eating my butterfinger Mcflury in-between contractions (when we decided it was time to go to the hospital I said "i have to finish this first, they wont let me eat it at the hospital) it was really yummy! haha So anyways... movie is over, credits time!! And finally I said "well my midwife said to come in when I can not stand the pain anymore, think it is almost time. So Zach calls her and told her my wifes contractions are 3 min. apart she is in a lot of pain. should we come in yet? my midwife said "wait until they are about 2 min. or until your water breaks apart and then come in, have her sit in the bath until then to ease the pain" So I get out of bed and Zach is helping me to the tub and as soon as I stand up... my water breaks! so Zach said ok, lets go. and I said "no, I want to take a shower first" So, I did... then we got in the car, took about 10 min. I had to sit down after every 3 steps I walked down. haha! got to the hospital and within 30 min. I had my epidural and was in heaven! Why do people do drugs? I don't understand.. they should be doing Epidurals! It was the best thing ever. However.... I did not like not being able to move my legs. got a small case of claustraphobia there for a minute!
Here we are right after I got my epidural! waiting for miss Zoee!
Poor Zach was SO tired... but he was a trooper!!!